Start A Heart 24:7

A Fresh Online Platform and Digital Tools to Drive Engagement and Support for Life-Saving Initiatives


Start-A-Heart 24:7, a dedicated charity focused on providing defibrillators and life-saving training to communities, needed a modern, user-friendly website to enhance their digital presence and better connect with supporters. Alongside this, they required robust digital tools to streamline operations and improve collaboration. Sitesi partnered with them to design and develop a new website and help them obtain free Microsoft 365 licenses, empowering their team with the tools needed to enhance productivity and communication.



Client Name

Start A Heart 24:7

  • Improve User Experience: Design a clean, easy-to-navigate website that allows visitors to quickly find information and engage with the charity.
  • Boost Donations and Engagement: Include clear, accessible links to donation pages to encourage support from visitors.
  • Highlight Events and Initiatives: Create dedicated pages for events and programs to keep the community informed and involved.
  • Provide Comprehensive Information: Offer detailed pages about the charity’s offerings and how they help to educate and inspire visitors.
  • Enhance Collaboration: Provide digital tools to improve team communication, document sharing, and overall operational efficiency.

To achieve these objectives, Sitesi developed a new website for Start-A-Heart 24:7 and helped them obtain free Microsoft 365 licenses, with the following key features:

  • Donation Links: Strategically placed links throughout the site direct visitors to donation pages, making it easy to contribute to the cause.
  • Events Page: A dynamic events page keeps the community updated on upcoming fundraisers, training sessions, and community outreach efforts, with easy sign-up options.
  • Detailed Program Information: Comprehensive pages outline the charity’s mission, the importance of defibrillators, and the impact of their work, helping to educate the public and encourage involvement.
  • Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
  • Microsoft 365 Licenses: Assisted the charity in obtaining free Microsoft 365 licenses, providing essential tools like Teams, Outlook, and SharePoint to enhance collaboration, secure data, and streamline operations.

The new website and digital tools have significantly enhanced Start-A-Heart 24:7’s ability to engage with the community and operate efficiently:

  • Increased Donations: The clear and accessible donation links have led to a notable increase in online donations.
  • Greater Community Involvement: The events page has seen higher traffic, resulting in increased attendance and participation in charity events.
  • Improved User Engagement: Visitors are spending more time on the site, exploring detailed information about the charity’s work and how they can help.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Efficiency: The Microsoft 365 licenses have enabled better communication and collaboration among the team, improving overall efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Positive Feedback: The modern design, easy navigation, and new digital tools have received positive feedback from users, enhancing the charity’s reputation and outreach.
How We Can Help Charities

At Sitesi, we specialise in creating powerful digital solutions for charities and non-profits. We understand the unique challenges these organisations face and are committed to helping them build a strong online presence that drives engagement, donations, and support. In addition to web development, we assist charities in obtaining free Microsoft 365 licenses to enhance their operational capabilities.

Contact us today to find out how we can help your charity thrive in the digital age with a modern website and the right digital tools. Together, we can amplify your impact and make a difference.